Alert – Members in Tennessee

The State of Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance (DCI) issued Bulletin No. 23-01 in response to the tornadoes from March 31, 2023, and April 1, 2023. Please see the links below for more information.

The DCI has requested that the cancelation or non-renewal of policies for the non-payment of
premium be suspended for a period of at least sixty (60) days from the date of the loss of those
policyholders who have suffered property damage, injuries, or loss of life as a result of the
catastrophic events. The sixty (60) day extension of time is not a waiver of a policyholder’s
obligation to pay a premium.

The DCI has requested that insurance companies provide the following to our members.

• Allow exceptions to proof of loss deadlines, notice requirements, and other contract or underwriting requirements;
• Allow members to voluntarily enter payment plans;
• Allow members to temporarily postpone payment due dates in order to continue insurance coverage;
• Suspend late payment, reinstatement, or insufficient funds fees along with any other fee, penalty, or interest charge resulting from the member’s temporary inability to submit premium payments;
• Allow members to request a duplicate copy of their policy at no additional cost;
• Refrain from canceling or nonrenewing policies solely because of claims resulting from the tornadoes; and
• Allow for one (1) early or replacement prescription refill per medication.

Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company and Chiron Insurance Company are available to assist in these difficult times. If you have questions or concerns with your policy, please contact our office at 800.247.5930, extension 4050, or

Thank you.

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