Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company


24/7 - 365 Coverage

800.247.5930 | 24/7 - 365 Coverage

Quick, Easy, and Secure

Register for our online services today!

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Take Advantage of these services in our member portal

  • Paperless Policy and Billing Delivery
  • Automatic Billing Payment

To go paperless follow these simple instructions:

  1. Log into your member portal,
  2. Click the paperless banner at the top
  3. Select which policies you would like to go paperless or select all policies
  4. Agree to the Terms and click Save

To automate your billing follow these simple instructions:

  1. Log into your member portal,
  2.  Click Pay Your Bill
  3.  Select AutoPay and follow the onscreen prompts

You will need a Member Portal account to enroll.