Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company


24/7 - 365 Coverage

Why Are We Different?

We have specialized in pharmacy insurance since 1909, longer than anyone else, and we know more about it than anyone else. We don't have shareholders or investors to satisfy. We have you and the bond between us, which allows us to be more flexible. We're here exclusively for our members.

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Why Choose Us?

As a pharmacist, your focus is on providing exceptional care to your patients. When it comes to insurance, you deserve the same level of care and commitment. Choosing the right insurance provider isn’t just about finding the lowest price; it’s about partnering with a company that understands your profession and prioritizes your needs. Our experienced team delivers personalized service and expert insights that truly set us apart. We’re not a call center offering basic insurance; we’re a dedicated team focused on ensuring you have the comprehensive coverage you need to protect your practice, your reputation, and your peace of mind.

What Sets Us Apart?

  1. Professional license defense, we provide more coverage and options than the standard market to make sure your reputation is well protected.
  2. We offer sterile compounding coverage, ensuring your business always has the coverage it needs to grow with your patients.
  3. Loss of income coverage limits at the top of the industry.
  4. Robust privacy protection, including industry-leading HIPAA coverage and cyber risk products.
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115 Years Of Expertise

Since 1909, we’ve been a trusted partner for professionals like you. Our century-long legacy is built on specialized knowledge and a deep understanding of the unique challenges you face. Based in Algona, Iowa, our history reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence. We don’t just offer insurance; we provide peace of mind, backed by a proven track record, compelling testimonials, and reliable claim data that you can trust.

©2024. All products and coverages may not be available in all areas. All policies will be underwritten and are subject to terms, conditions, and exclusions.

To see how we care: 800.247.5930

Experience The Difference

Start Protecting What Matters Most Today